The Highly anticipated 12th album from US Black Thrashing Death Metal Gods Sathanas!!! With a career founded in 1988 and a legacy spanning 36 years comprising 11 Full length studio albums, countless EP's, split releases and live albums, Sathanas are undeniably a Black Thrash Death Metal scene ICON! The band has relentlessly toured and released new albums, spawning a literal Legion of fans around the world. From 1996's "Black Earth" debut, to 2023's "Psalm Satani", Sathanas have fortified a Blackened Thrashing Death Metal sound irrefutably unique unto themselves. The US underground Death Metal luminaries now return with their career defining 12th full-length and most vicious release to date, "Into the Nocturne"! From opening ripping black-thrasher "Beyond the Witch", to the venomous and deathly "Tyrants of the Southern Cross" and "Cast in Black", through the infernally-catchy Black Metal Anthems "Raise the Chalice" and "There Will Be Demons", Sathanas' Moribund Records debut is nothing less than THE Black-Thrash Death Metal masterpiece of 2024! Delivering 666 fistfuls of pure old-school Extreme Heavy Metal, "Into the Nocturne" runs the gamut of true Metal genres and is sure to satiate even the most discriminating Heavy Metal fan with their merciless old-school Black Thrashing Death Metal! Sathanas are the true embodiment of the underground Metal scene and the Devils Death Metal!